The Ultimate Guide to Textured Paint For Homeowners

Types of Textured paint

Textured paints are a great option for homeowners who want to hide wall imperfections or add a unique look. Textured paints can add a unique look to walls or accent walls.

There are many different types of wall textures and paints available.

Smooth Textured paint

Smooth texture paint sounds contradictory, but it refers to paint that has a subtle texture, which is neither rough nor gritty, but offers a tactile feel. The texture is not as prominent as orange peel, sand or popcorn.

Sand Texture Paint

Sand Texture paint contains silica particles that, when applied to walls, create a rough, gritty texture. It also gives the walls a rustic appearance. The paint must be thoroughly mixed before application. The paint can be applied with a brush or a roller with tackiness to ensure optimum coverage. It should be allowed to dry according to the instructions of the manufacturer.

Venetian Plaster

Venetian Plaster is a multi-layered, polished plaster that gives walls a smooth, deep texture. Venetian Plaster is applied to a clean, smooth wall. Use a stainless steel trowel to apply a thin, even layer using short strokes. Add layers to get the desired result.

Popcorn Texture

Popcorn Texture gives a stippled, bumpy appearance to ceilings. To achieve this texture, a popcorn texture sprayer is usually required. Once the mix has dried, it will leave behind its characteristic “popcorn texture”.

Knockdown Texture

The Knockdown Texture can be sprayed on the wall or ceiling and then “knocked” down with a trowel before it dries. This creates a unique texture, with peaks, valleys, and ridges. This creates a subtler texture than orange peel, but one with greater depth.

Orange Peel Texture

Orange Peel Texture is textured and bumpy like the orange skin. The texture is created by spraying water and drywall compound onto the wall with a texture-sprayer, hopper gun and air compressor. It must dry completely after application before painting.

Brushed-On Texture

A brush is used to create a brushed-on texture on the wall. This can be done in a variety of ways, such as stippled designs, brushed patterns, or swirled patterns. Depending on the type and technique of brush, many unique finishes are possible.

Roll-On Texture

Roll-on textures are thick paints that can be applied using a roller. The patterns created can range from subtle to bold, depending on the product used and the roller type.

Textures of Fabrics and Fibers

Fabric & Fiber Textures are made up of fibers which give the impression that they are fabric or canvas. These textures are applied using a roller or brush and dry to a three-dimensional texture.

The finish is made of granite or stone.

These paints are made up of small particles which, once dried, give the appearance and feel of granite or stone. They are usually applied with a brush or roller; some may require a sealant to increase durability.

Stipple Finish

The Stipple Finish can be achieved by using paint or drywall compound, and then a stippling sponge or brush to create a dot texture on the surface. The technique involves dabbing the brush repeatedly onto the surface until desired result is achieved.

Combed Texture

Combs, brushes or other special tools are used to create patterns in wet painting. This technique creates a rhythmic pattern by creating grooves and lines in the paint.

Suede Finish

Suede Finish provides a soft, matte look resembling suede fabric. This finish is usually applied with a special paint, and may require a brush or roller to apply the base coat.

What is the Best Textured Paint for Your Home?

We now have an idea of the types of textured painters available. It is time to decide which one will work best in your home. If you’re specifically looking for painters in Devonport, consider exploring Devonport house painters to find the perfect match for your painting needs.

When choosing the best textured paint, you should consider both aesthetics and practicality. Consider many factors such as your budget and the purpose of the space you’re painting.

When choosing textured paint, consider the following factors.

The Texture’s Purpose

Aesthetic Appeal: If you want to create a focal or enhance the ambience of a space, think about which texture will work best with your interior design.

Hide imperfections: Rough textures like sand, popcorn or grit can be very effective in masking any existing imperfections on your wall surface.

Room Use

Areas with High Traffic: Choose a texture which is durable and easy-to-clean for areas that are likely to see a lot traffic, such as hallways, children’s bedrooms, or kitchens.

Humidity and Moisture: Consider using paints resistant to mold and mildew in bathrooms and other areas where there is a high humidity.


Different textures can add visual interest and different dimensions to a space:

Sand and Stone Textures : These textures are perfect for rustic and coastal designs.
Venetian Plaster : This plaster offers a polished and luxurious feel that is perfect for formal spaces or areas where you are looking to add a touch elegance.
Popcorn Texture:  Popcorn Texture is a texture that’s often used on ceilings. It has a bumpy surface.
Suede and fabric textures: They add warmth to any room and are suitable for bedrooms and cozy spaces.

Applicable Method

Take into consideration your level of expertise and the tools that you have available. Certain textures require specific tools to apply. Some textures can be applied with a roller, while others may require a brush, trowel or sprayer. You should choose a texture that you are comfortable with or willing to learn how to use.

Maintenance and Durability

Textured wall surfaces can be harder to clean than smooth walls. If easy maintenance is important, choose a texture with a smoother surface or one that’s easily wipeable.

Think about the durability of the material, especially if your family has pets or children.

Lighting the Room

The light can have a dramatic impact on the texture. Shadows can be created by deep textures, which makes a room appear smaller. Natural light will highlight the depth of the texture and its details. Dimly lit rooms might not show the surface off as well.

Paint Color

The color of paint can also affect the perception of surface texture. Dark colors can reduce the texture, while light colors enhance it. Test out the colors and textures in small patches by getting samples.


Some textured finishes, such as Venetian plaster and specialty finishes, are more expensive than others. When choosing a textured paint, consider your budget.

Environmental and Health Concerns

If you are concerned about the indoor air quality, consider paints that contain low or no VOCs. They are safer for the environment, and some people find them less irritating.


If you’re unsure, it’s a good idea consult with a professional painter. They can offer advice tailored to your interior space and painting requirements.

After you have considered all of these factors, choosing the texture paint that best suits your aesthetic tastes, functional requirements, and character of the space becomes much easier. Test a small section first before painting an entire room or wall.

Prepare Your Walls for Textured Paint

It’s now time to prepare the walls for textured painting!

It is important to prepare the wall surface properly in order to achieve the desired texture. This will also ensure its durability. This is a guide on how to prepare your walls for textured painting.

Clear the Area

  • Move furniture to the middle of the room or remove it.
  • Drop cloths are a great way to protect your furniture and floors from paint and dust splatters.

Remove old wall coverings

  • Remove wallpaper from the wall using a steamer or wallpaper removal solution.

Cleaning the Walls

  • To remove any loose debris, dust the walls using a broom and a dry cloth.
  • Use a mild dish soap mixed with water to wash the walls. This step is essential to remove dirt and grease that could interfere with the adhesion of paint.
  • Allow the walls to completely dry after rinsing with clean water.

Repair Damages

  • Fill in any cracks or holes with wall joint compound or spackling glue. Apply the filler with a putty blade and remove the excess to achieve a smooth finish.
  • For larger dents or damages, you may need joint tape and a piece drywall. If you require more information, consult a professional or a guide on home repairs.
  • Follow the instructions on the product to allow the filler time to dry.

Sand the Walls

  • After the filler has dried out, use fine-grit paper to sand down the repaired area (usually between 120-150 grit). This will ensure a smooth texture.
  • Consider lightly sanding your entire wall in order to smooth out any rough spots.

Dust and Clean Again

  • The wall will be covered in dust after sanding. Vacuum with a brush attachment and then wipe the walls down with a wet cloth to remove dust.

Prime the Walls

  • Apply a primer of good quality to the whole wall. A primer can improve paint adhesion, and bring out the true colors of your textured paint.
  • If your textured paint has a dark color, a tinted primer can help reduce the number coats required.
  • According to the manufacturer, allow the primers to completely dry.

Tape off Areas

  • Use painter’s masking tape to mask off trim, baseboards and any other area you do not want textured. Tape any joints or areas you wish to protect against textured paint.

Review and final touches

  • Check the wall for any damages that were missed or areas that require more sanding.
  • Be sure to ventilate the room, especially when using paints that have strong odors.

Your wall is now ready to be painted with textured paint! Don’t forget that a good textured finish doesn’t just come from the application, but also the prep. The texture will look better on walls that have been properly prepared.

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